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Wind Beneath My Wings June 21, 2009

Posted by Billy in Pawing speaks....
Two lil' birdies

Two lil' birdies


Another day, a new beginning,

Melodiously, little birdies are chirping,

Love and comfort, they are awaiting,

Papa and food, they are anticipating.


Papa returns without bearing any food,

Disappointed, they try to be good.

Lovely melody imbued with love so strong,

They serenade Papa all day long.


Night falls, Papa is nowhere in sight,

Forlorn lil’ birdies are, under the moonlight,

Descends, a mood of melancholy,

Missing him, they launch into a melody.


Soon after, Mister Moon goes into hiding,

And Papa bounces back a-chirping,

“One wormie for you, and another for you”

Joyfully, they bid sadness ‘adieu’. 


 This poem is dedicated to all fathers and fathers-to-be out there, especially my father whom I call ‘Papa’.

 Happy Fathers Day!



1. Ben, On Melancholy - June 21, 2009

I like it. Cool way of expressing the idea, through birds. It made it really interesting imaging the poem from the standpoint of sitting in a nest. Great idea. Thanks for sharing.

2. Billy - June 27, 2009


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